Transform Your Life!

Recently my daughter Maya has been an entrant in Australian Idol and has done really well! You may have seen her on the show…if not check her out…ok enough mumma boasting 😀

Given that we are very close, I have also been journeying with her through this crazy ride.

It has made me think a lot about the key factors for her successes. Sure she has talent and some x factors that make her spark, but is that all?

When I reflected on why Maya is becoming successful at the moment, I realised a few things.  Rather than focussing on winning, she has transformed her whole approach to her life and is turning up to the process of being on the journey, in the present moment; absolutely.


Here are some of the key changes she made:

 1.      Being fully focused on a vision

2.      Showing consistency and r integrity

3.      Turning up to the task whole heartedly and well prepared

4.      Working it with discipline and an openness to learning

5.      Finding community, being with her people.


Interestingly, I was listening to Deepak Chopra talk about the transformative path. He refers to the Vedic concepts of sanga (community), dharma (purpose) and sadhana (regular practice) as the keys to transforming our lives.

Our Dharma is central to our life but our upbringing and education rarely helps us find our true purpose. This is not a lofty ideal. Living in your dharma is a simple notion that encompasses living according to your values, that each day you live a meaningful existence and that you do the work needed of you in this world with positivity and creativity. You stop being scared!

Our Sadhana helps us actualise our dharma. Each day we remain disciplined to practice something that helps us to recognise the truth of who we are. This could be yoga or meditation but may be any practice physical or spiritual. It may be a practice of selfless service, it may be learning to be self compassionate through loving awareness practice, it may be dancing in ecstasy or finding the higher self that emerges when we just let go of our conditioned selves.

Our Sanga, our community is central to maintaining the path. We know how hard it is to turn up to work each day when we feel like we don’t fit there. We know how painful it is to be in a relationship where we no longer truly belong. We know we often stay around old friends for the comfort but perhaps their influence no longer serves us. Finding community gives our soul a sense of coming home. This can sometimes be tough.  There are many losses along the way and we have to meet them with  courage. This has been written about in countless religious and spiritual texts as the path to enlightenment. But enlightening your awareness every day is not a sacrifice as such, it’s a gift and a passion and brings true joy to your life.


If you are wanting to learn more about bringing  transformative experience into your life…

We have a wonderful teacher Tanya Kaps running 3 different workshops on transformation. One on Health and Healing, one on Heart and Mind and one on Teaching this True Path.

At the Open Space, we offer you a community to co-create meaningful experiences, to practice together and to share the joy of a conscious life.


Om Shanti


Dr Karen Weiss
